Alchemy Journey

Elements of Tao

For your personalized journey, we will blend acupuncture’s ancient healing practices, sound healing, Reiki, Medical Qigong, Chakra balancing, Chi Nei Tsang, Meditation, Advanced Therapeutic bodywork, as well as herbal and dietary recommendations.

Affecting positive change,
restoring vitality, balancing all systems,
to connect to your higher self
and a deeper sense of healing.
For deep inner transformation,
to return to your true power.

Give yourself 2 hours for this treatment   $222
Chakra stone set included

Elemental paths

Fire Journey – Fire release ceremony blending drumming, journeying, Reiki, Palo Santo

Air Journey

Air Journey – Blending breath work, Reiki, sound therapy

Earth Journey

Earth Journey – Blending massage, grounding ceremony, drumming, Chi Nei Tsang, finding your path hOMe

Water Journey

Water Journey – reflections into your being, finding fluidity through movement, breath and sound. *

Ether Journey

Ether Journey– Finding your spirit guide, through journeying, intention setting, chakra attunement with crystals

* Water Journey provided in your pool if it can work as a therapy pool. Contact Carol to discuss feasibility.